Saturday 5 January 2008

There has come a time when there is a lot of food to eat but nothing good.

It is difficult to eat wisely in the middle of a 3 million person urban blotch on this planet.

And local? Don't even get me started.

My definition of local, in the city of Toronto, Canada, includes farmers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec, and New York (although it is hard to determine NY with our current packaging and produce identification laws).

I am currently a board member with Karma Food Coop and I also served on the Ebytown Food Coop board back in the mid 1990s.

This is how I have attempted to control the food I eat. Membership and involvement with local food cooperatives ensure that I know where and what I am putting as fuel into this body.

This blog intends to be part rant, part recipe digest, part nutrition info. I've had some history posting recipes on the web (see this link for a 1993 discussion group posting by moi :)

And the recipes? Gluten free/Legume free/Dairy free/Tomato free. That's how I live and I've found marvelous benefits. Getting an MS diagnosis kicked start me into this diet. No regrets - although it has been challenging after a life time of pizza....etc.

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